8 of the most common problems businesses face on social media

common problems businesses face on social media

I’m letting you into some secrets. Here are 8 of the most common problems businesses face on social media. They are access, budgets, resources, reach & engagement, negative reactions, positioning and tracking.  The problems businesses face on social media If you ask me, one of the most common problem businesses face on social media is … Read more

Page speed insights

I’ve done two SEO reports within the last couple of months for businesses in two different industries and both of them had serious page load issues. This can have a serious knock on effect for both SEO and engagement or conversion. Optimise web images Site 1, a luxury travel brand, had used big glossy images … Read more

Design collaboration with business stakeholders

I’m interested to read the UX professionals survey by NN Group as they advocate the use of round tables with the business owner to review the initial designs and pick and choose the best of each design. In my experience, this doesn’t result in a cohesive whole. Many of the designers I have worked with … Read more

No one is signing up to my email newsletters

Let’s overlook the obvious first check to make, which is how many people are visiting that page, and take a quick look at another issue that might be the cause. I tried to sign up this morning to a good cause – it had quite an unusual spam check, I thought – the email newsletter … Read more

tech stack

Just a few of the tools I use daily to manage my client work.

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