The perfect product page

I’m a fan of simple layouts and one of my constant gripes is product pages on eCommerce websites. I just don’t understand why shop owners feel the need to cram endless pieces of twaddle onto their product pages. I want a price and a big buy now button at the very top of the page. Make it big enough for fat fingers to press it on a mobile device, clearly look like it is click-able, and make it the colour of “action”.

Product options & sales opportunities

I understand the need to supply a colour or size choice, or cross-sell and upsell other products, in case this product isn’t quite what the buyer is looking for. There is however research about the optimal number of choices a brain can handle.

Make it easy for buyers – contrary to popular opinion users are not necessarily stupid, they might just be suffering from overload.  Kara Pernice (a UX expert) describes it as “flooded with stimuli…” at “every moment” so the user may choose to use ‘selective attention’ to focus on just what they are looking for.

Terms of sale & delivery information

I know that some buyers will need to read the terms & conditions in full before they will tick the box to agree to purchase. I like to check what delivery is going to cost me and even read a review or two to make sure that the product is the superb quality that the product description promises me it is going to be.

This is all secondary information to the primary call-to-action, which unless you are deliberately trying to go out of business… is to sell something!

tech stack

Just a few of the tools I use daily to manage my client work.

Wordpress Logo
Shopify Logo
Semrush Logo
Meta Logo
Logo Metricool
Trello Logo

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