Handmade furniture maker: how to increase your sales using SEO

handmade furniture makers - use seo to sell more

You are proud of the work you produce and the quality of your furniture. But as a handmade furniture maker you need to showcase your work in the digital world so that people can find you and buy from you.  SEO is a powerful tool for your artisan business. It will increase your visibility online … Read more

What’s wrong with my website image?

There’s a problem with my website – this image isn’t showing. My images don’t look right, what’s wrong? I have spent a great deal of time over the years troubleshooting image uploads on websites. Sometimes, the issue is caused by the file name; the file has been uploaded with a space so it has been … Read more

Employee training on the web

An awful lot of business owners, especially small business owners who are too busy to do it themselves, delegate ‘the website’ to the nearest employee. This can be a good thing or a bad thing and depends on the competence and interest level of the person involved. Early adopters A computer savvy youngster might not … Read more

tech stack

Just a few of the tools I use daily to manage my client work.

Wordpress Logo
Shopify Logo
Semrush Logo
Meta Logo
Logo Metricool
Trello Logo

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