What’s wrong with my website image?

There’s a problem with my website – this image isn’t showing.

My images don’t look right, what’s wrong?

I have spent a great deal of time over the years troubleshooting image uploads on websites. Sometimes, the issue is caused by the file name; the file has been uploaded with a space so it has been substituted with a %20 and file%20name.jpg can’t be found so no image displays. Or the image has been given a name with a foreign character in it, an accent on an e or a non-alphanumeric character like the apostrophe.

Image file formats

Some content management systems can only accept a certain format of file, so that .psd, .ai, .eps or .tif that your print designer sent you can’t be uploaded to the website because it can’t process them. Usually this can be solved by saving into a standard jpg (joint photographic experts group), one of the most common file extensions on the web. Other acceptable files are gif (graphics interchange format) or png (portable network graphic).

Web colours

However, customers are often surprised to find that saving a file to jpg doesn’t automatically mean compatibility with the browser as jpg files can be saved in CMYK colours and still cause issues on the web. Four colour or cyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK) are the colours used by standard printers and printing presses. Websites render colours in red, green and blue (R,G,B) or hexadecimal colours, so the colours often look wildly different when uploaded to a website screen.

tech stack

Just a few of the tools I use daily to manage my client work.

Wordpress Logo
Shopify Logo
Semrush Logo
Meta Logo
Logo Metricool
Trello Logo

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