Hello. So today I’m going to talk a little bit about how Facebook adverts can work for retailers to increase your conversion. I’ve worked for years and years, basically, on both the organic aspect of advertising strategy and the paid aspect of advertising strategy for eCommerce stores of all sizes; from really small startups, right up to multinational corporations as part of an agency and also with my own agency, which I started a couple of years ago.
Why you need to hire a social media manager
Whatever your business size you need social media. It has become a part of the marketing mix that isn’t likely to go away any time soon, even if the platforms of choice change.
Beating down prices
Twice recently, clients have opted to use vendors that are cheaper rather than my recommended suppliers. In both cases, this has entailed my doing a lot more work to manage the vendor and a loss of quality. It doesn’t even make economic sense as the client has to pay me for the additional time!
What message does your company’s font send out to customers?
Setting colour aside, do you know what your font says about your company? Fonts can have a gender bias, an age slant and tone of voice. A font can have tone of voice, I hear you say? Definitely. There are big shouty salesy fonts, clean clear professional fonts and friendly approachable fonts – here are … Read more
Why am I a bit of a snob about WordPress?
There is a perception that building websites with WordPress is easy, and it is, as long as you want a very basic website with no real functionality. As soon as you need your website to do anything – display a gallery, show social media, provide a contact form – you move into the realm of … Read more