Facebook Ads for Retailers

unboxing delivery

Hello. So today I’m going to talk a little bit about how Facebook adverts can work for retailers to increase your conversion. I’ve worked for years and years, basically, on both the organic aspect of advertising strategy and the paid aspect of advertising strategy for eCommerce stores of all sizes; from really small startups, right up to multinational corporations as part of an agency and also with my own agency, which I started a couple of years ago.

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Why now might be the perfect time to advertise your business on Facebook

unboxing delivery

Coronavirus has affected all of us in ways we have yet to determine. It is difficult to work out how we should be marketing or whether we should be marketing in such uncertain times.

A few key industry sectors are booming like finance, news, and food. A few have mixed results like retail depending on whether you sell essentials or luxury goods. And quite a lot have bombed completely like travel, construction, and advertising (see statistic graphs on neilpatel.com). So why would you advertise now?

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Just a few of the tools I use daily to manage my client work.

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